Our services

by lexsips

Taxi service

Our taxi service provides a reliable on-time service to your desired destination.
We provide taxi service when you need transportation from address A to address B. The taxi service is fulfilled with a Mercedes E-class.

Our taxi service pricing is per the pricing as mandated by the local government. Payment can be done cash, credit card or debit card.

Limousine service

Our limousine service is tailored for customers who require transportation that provides a office away from the office experience, enabling you to conducting business in all comfort and privacy. The limousine service is fulfilled with a Mercedes S-class.

Our limousine service pricing is based on your needs, taking in to account trip distance and waiting time. Payment can be done by billing, credit card or debit card.

Airport service

Our airport service is tailored for groups larger then four person, like families for example, with a lot of bagage. Airport service is fulfilled with a Volkswagen Caravel with seating up to eight passengers.

Our airport service pricing is per the pricing as mandated by the local government. Payment can be done cash, credit card or debit card.

Electronic payment methods

The following electronic payment methods are accepted:

  • Visa credit card or prepaid card;
  • Mastercard credit card or prepaid card;
  • Debit card;
  • Contactless (phone or card)